TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Aleluya!! IDC dice que el Business Intelligence seguirá creciendo

No deja de ser un tanto irónico el título del post, pues este tipo de estudios siempre suelen ser muy positivos y optimistas y rara vez se publicitan tendencias negativas o sobre tecnologías en desuso, no se vayan a enfandar los 'sponsors' de los estudios.  En cualquier caso, nos alegramos de ello.
En esta ocasión parece que el impulso se lo dará el Big Data , lo que en cualquier caso, a todos los que nos dedicamos al BI no deja de ser una gran noticia. La gente de IDC indica que crecerá a un ritmo de un 9,8% anual

Additional key findings from IDC's research include:
  • As more organizations with less business analytics experience are becoming interested in this technology, vendors and users will have to devote more resources to business analytics services.
  • A growing emphasis on industry and business process–specific analytic applications is going to take hold over the forecast period. This will be a long-term trend that is likely going to accelerate M&A activity in the business analytics market. Recent acquisitions by large business analytics vendors will require these vendors to execute go-to-market strategies that depend on ever finer segmentation of target audiences by industry, region, and organization size.
  • The growth in appliances, SaaS, and outsourcing deals for business analytics technology will likely mean that end users will pay increasingly less attention to specific technology components, instead focusing on the business value arguments and overall functionality. System performance, availability, security, and manageability will all matter greatly, but how they are achieved will be less of a point for differentiation amongst vendors.