Nuevo post, sobre un tema tan manido como interesante: los factores de exito para un buen sistema Busines Intelligence. Os dejo
esta nueva entrada
de un especialista de
También os dejo el enlace a algunos post publicados en TodoBI, sobre como tener exito en proyectos Business Intellgence:
(muchos de ellos coincidentes con nuestras opiniones)
Exito en BI según Boris Evelson (Forrester):
- First defining what
BI is and what it is not
- If the former, you then need to define linkages, dependencies, overlaps and integration with all of the latter.
- Ensure senior business executive commitment and top down mandate.
- Establish BI PMO,
, BI governance, etc.
- Document the current state of your BI environment
- Envision and propose a target state for the BI environment
- Based on the target state requirements, build a vendor/technology shortlist, considering potential multiple vendor co-existence scenarios.
- Identify gaps between the current state and the target state.
- Design a road map to close the gaps and achieve the target.
- Select software vendor(s) and (if necessary) systems integrator.