Acaba de ser presentado un libro interesante, que además supone el paso al papel (al libro de toda la vida, del BI Open Source). Como véis, va llegando a todas partes. Se trata de Pentaho Reporting for Java Developers , (además, ya os anticipo que hay otro en la cocina que se está haciendo bastante interesante también, en este caso de origen europeo).
El libro ha sido realizado por Will Gorman (ingeniero de Pentaho), y ha contado con la ayuda, como no de Thomas Morgner (creador de Jfree report).
Que nos podemos encontrar en el libro? Información en detalle
Chapter 1 An introduction to Pentaho Reporting – Get a quick overview of Pentaho Reporting, including a feature summary and architectural summary, as well as a history of the product.
Chapter 2 Pentaho Reporting client and enterprise examples – Install and create reports, and learn to embed reports in your J2EE and client Java applications.
Chapter 3 Pentaho Reporting examples in the real world – Connect to a JDBC data source and create realistic inventory, balance, and invoice reports, including charts and sub-reports.
Chapter 4 Design and layout in Pentaho's Report Designer – Take a deep dive into Pentaho's Report Designer, learning how to create great-looking reports.
Chapter 5 Working with data sources – Learn the various ways to connect your report to live data, including JDBC, Hibernate, Java Beans, OLAP, and many other data sources.
Chapter 6 Including charts and graphics in reports – Incorporate Pie, Bar, Line and many other chart types in your reports, as well as including dynamic images in your report.
Chapter 7 Parameterization, functions, formulas and style expressions in reports – Define parameters for dynamic report generation. Write formulas and use available functions for rich summary and calculated values in your reports. Dynamically adjust colors and styles using expressions in your report.
Chapter 8 Adding sub-reports and cross tabs to reports – Build reports that include side-by-side sub-reports and cross tabs.
Chapter 9 Building interactive reports – These aren't standard boring static reports. Learn how to add dynamic interaction to HTML and Swing reports, for immediate feedback and dashboard-like functionality.
Chapter 10 API-based report generation – Build reports from XML and by using Pentaho Reporting's Java Bean API.
Chapter 11 Extending Pentaho Reporting – Learn to write custom functions and elements within Pentaho Reporting.
Chapter 12 Additional Pentaho Reporting topics – Discover how to use Pentaho Reporting with the Pentaho BI Server, including Pentaho Metadata. Learn more about Pentaho Reporting's open source approach, and how you can contribute to the free software movement.
Claro... que relacionado con el tema... también tenemos un interesante libro sobre BIRT.