Ya estamos en Roma, por cuarto año consecutivo vamos al principal encuentro de la comunidad, expertos y desarrolladores Pentaho. Esta vez en Roma, con mucho que escuchar y que contar (han venido todos los expertos de cada tecnología). En Stratebi , seguimos siendo la única empresa española que ha estado en los 4 Pentaho Developers celebrados. Go!!
Os haremos un resumen detallado de todo lo que allí se cuente. Os dejamos con la interesantísima agenda y el resumen en vivo de Jan Aertsen :
Time Presenter Topic
9:30 Doug Moran Welcome and introductions
9:45 Pedro Alves CTOOLS update
10:15 Matt Casters PDI integration with Data Cleaner, Migration of KFF into PDI 4.3
10:30 " and The state of dynamic ETL a.k.a. metadata injection
10:45 Alain Debecker Using Pentaho and Security customer story
11:00 Coffee break
11:15 Roland Bouman Update on XMLA4js, Kettle Cookbook
11:15 " Pendular
11:30 Gretchen Moran Open MRS (Medical Records System)
11:45 Jos van Dongen & Aly Hollander Antonious Dashboard & IntraZis open source MRS developed at St. Antonius
12:00 Break and make up time if needed
12:15 Luc and Julian Distributed caching and new features of Mondrian 3.3
12:30 " Mondrian 4.0 Alpha Preview
12:45 Tom Barber Whatever Tom thinks up on the plane ride to Rome
13:00 Lunch Break
14:00 Pedro Pinhero CDF Mobile
14:15 "
14:30 Matt Casters The state of the Single Threader step and engine, Real-time
data integration with PDI and The Transformation and Job steps
15:00 Break and make up time if needed
15:15 Cees Vkemenade CDF Dashboard Management Tool
15:30 Thomas Morgner magical pure JavaScript no-GWT-at-all report viewer
16:00 Paul Stöllberger Saiku Update
16:30 Coffee break
16:45 Ricardo Pires Fusion Charts Plugin
17:00 Open
17:15 Jens Bleuel Connecting Kettle to the real world
17:45 Roland Bouman Datavault and anchor modeling
18:00 Bart Maertens BIRT plugins (BI server and PDI)
18:15 Open
18:30 Plan Dinner and Sunday fun
Photo: From Kjube Blog