TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Superset, la solucion analitica Open Source de Airbnb

Son muchas las multinacionales de nueva aparición que comparten sus aplicaciones. Os hemos hablado de Ebay , Linkedin ... Hoy os contamos sobre Superset de Airbnb:

Apache Superset is a data exploration and visualization web application.
Superset provides:
  • An intuitive interface to explore and visualize datasets, and create interactive dashboards.
  • A wide array of beautiful visualizations to showcase your data.
  • Easy, code-free, user flows to drill down and slice and dice the data underlying exposed dashboards. The dashboards and charts acts as a starting point for deeper analysis.
  • A state of the art SQL editor/IDE exposing a rich metadata browser, and an easy workflow to create visualizations out of any result set.
  • An extensible, high granularity security model allowing intricate rules on who can access which product features and datasets. Integration with major authentication backends (database, OpenID, LDAP, OAuth, REMOTE_USER, ...)
  • A lightweight semantic layer, allowing to control how data sources are exposed to the user by defining dimensions and metrics
  • Out of the box support for most SQL-speaking databases
  • Deep integration with Druid allows for Superset to stay blazing fast while slicing and dicing large, realtime datasets
  • Fast loading dashboards with configurable caching

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