TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Etiqueta: cuadros de mando

Total 28 artículos

OCDE Data Lab

[] Interesante sección de estadisticas de la OCDE [](Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico), con informes y cuadros de mando relevantes

Dashboards y Scorecards

Para saber más: ¿Sabemos diferenciar Dashboards y Scorecards? [] Diccionario BI: KPIs [] “ The difference between a “Scorecard” and a “Dashboard” [] Dashboards 2.0 [] ¿Porqué están de moda los dashboards? [https://todobi.

Champions League Dashboards Application

[] Now available the season 2012/2013 of the Champions League, with all statistics, teams, players, matches .... You also have available statistics from previous seasons Champions League Statistics [] It is based on open source solutions such as Pentaho . And now you can view