TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Etiqueta: mapas

Total 17 artículos

This is great, Fantasy Map Generator

It is a Fantasy Map Generator []based on D3 Voronoi diagram rendered to scalable svg. Use randomto genarate the map with default options, customizeto make your own shape. Project goal is to create a procedural generated map for my Medieval Dinastygame simulator. So a

Leaflet and R

Leaflet 1.1.0 is now available on CRAN! The Leaflet package []is a tidy wrapper for the Leaflet.js []mapping library, and makes it incredibly easy to generate interactive maps based on spatial data you have in R. Leaflet [http://leafletjs.

FOSS4G 2016, Call for Submissions now open!

This year, OSGeo and FOSSGIS e.V. as organizer invite you to Bonn, Germany between August 20th and 28th to share and acquire knowledge, acquaintances, friends and positive energy through all the activities we are planning for you: code sprints, workshops, B2B meetings, pub race, icebreaker, gala event and, of

100 mapas que no te puedes perder

Gran recopilación en Visualoop []con los mejores 100 mapas del 2014. Para no perderselos, También puedes ver: * 100 Interactive Data visualizations – part one [] and two [] * Our favorite video keynotes [

40 mapas que explican el mundo

Gran seleccion del Washington Post [] sobre a utilidad de los mapas a la hora representar datos y poder entender la información Ver los 40 mapas [] En los Cuadros