TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Etiqueta: dashboards

Total 60 artículos

15 Errores con los datos que debes evitar

[] Muy interesante esta infografía que puedes descargarte desde aquí [], en donde se muestran y explican 15 típicos fallos que nos pueden llevar a tomar malas decisiones cuando trabajamos con datos. Imprescindible!! * * [

The Big Book of Dashboards

The Big Book of Dashboards []presents a comprehensive reference for those tasked with building or overseeing the development of business dashboards Comprising dozens of examples that address different industries and departments (healthcare, transportation, finance, human resources, marketing, customer service, sports, etc.) and different platforms (print,

Dashboards y Scorecards

Para saber más: ¿Sabemos diferenciar Dashboards y Scorecards? [] Diccionario BI: KPIs [] “ The difference between a “Scorecard” and a “Dashboard” [] Dashboards 2.0 [] ¿Porqué están de moda los dashboards? [https://todobi.

Champions League Dashboards Application

[] Now available the season 2012/2013 of the Champions League, with all statistics, teams, players, matches .... You also have available statistics from previous seasons Champions League Statistics [] It is based on open source solutions such as Pentaho . And now you can view