13, 14 de Junio, Madrid
Hace poco os contábamos en detalle sobre Machine Learning
[https://todobi.com/que-algoritmo-de-machine-learning/], ahora os proponemos la
posibilidad de formaros en este interesante y eminentemente práctico Curso
presencial en Madrid [http://www.stratebi.com/-/machine-learning], para aprender
sobre lo que allí os contábamos
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Con los cheat sheets siguientes
[https://www.rstudio.com/resources/cheatsheets/](lo que vienen a ser resumenes o
'chuletas') se hace mucho más fácil aprender el uso de las mejores librerías y
paquetes para R. Pulsa en las imágenes para descargar los pdf(TensorFlow, Shiny,
Sparklyr, ggplot2...)
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Este interesante Curso
supone una de las primeras participaciones de la compañía especialista en
Analytics, Stratebi [http://www.stratebi.com/]en Perú, en donde hay un gran
interés en estas tecnologías y ya se están acometiendo algunos proyectos
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As Machine Learning tools become mainstream, and ever-growing choice of these is
available to data scientists and analysts, the need to assess those best suited
becomes challenging. In this study, 20 Machine Learning models were benchmarked
for their accuracy and speed performance on a multi-core hardware, when applied
to 2
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Machine learning
Machine learning is the process through which a computer learns with experience
rather than additional programming.
Let’s say you use a program to determine which customers receive which discount
offers. If it’s a machine-learning program, it will make better recommendations
as it gets more data about
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Apple saysTuri Create [https://github.com/apple/turicreate]is easy to use, has a
visual focus, is fast and scalable, and is flexible. Turi Create is designed to
export models to Core ML for use in iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS apps. From the
Turi Create Github repository:
* Easy-to-use:Focus
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Muy interesante este reciente white paper
(no es muy extenso la verdad), cuyo punto más interesante es que está
sponsorizado por SAS. Si, por SAS
Al igual que hizo Microsoft hace unos años, fabricantes tradicionales se
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Microsoft, just like many of its competitors, has gone all in on machine
learning [https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ai]. That emphasis
[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/ai-platform]is on full display at the
company’s Ignite conference this where, where the company today announced a
number of new
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