TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Etiqueta: pentaho

Total 400 artículos

OSBI tips In October

Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, in October. You can follow all the historic tips fromstratebi demo [].Info []. - - -

OSBI tips in September

Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, in September. You can follow all the historic tips fromstratebi demo [].Info []. - -

Pentaho Data Integration 4 Cookbook

[] Siguiendo con nuestra revisión de libros, hoy os hablamos dePentaho Data Integration 4 Cookbook []de Maria Carina Roldan, un libro sobre una herramienta que no nos cansamos de recomendar:Kettle o PDI []. El libro presenta