Now available our new Demo on Pentaho [http://sample.stratebi.es/], which
includes many new exciting features such as Saiku OLAP and Reporting, CDE ...
We also include some of the improvements that had asked some of our customers
and we included them as an improvement in
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Freedom to analyze my data.Freedom to create my own dashboards.Freedom and
independence and immediacy of the results for the end user.
When we talk to a potential user, the same question arises: What if I want a new
dashboard, however simple, I have to call you?
After the
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Una de las mejores cosas que tiene trabajar con soluciones Open Source es que
continuamente la comunidad va aportando mejoras. Una de las que mas nos gusta es
la de nuestros amigos portugueses, de Webdetails, con Pedro Alves a la cabeza,
la otra empresa que junto a nosotros en Stratebi
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