TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Etiqueta: pentaho

Total 400 artículos

Mondrian in Action Book

Great!! Reading first chapters of 'Mondrian in Action', bought in http://www. []for mondrian, olap and pentaho passionate. Essential.Soon we´ll made a review Thanks William D. Back, Nicholas Goodman, and Julian Hyde!! [

OSBI Tips in February

Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, Ctools and Saiku in February.You can follow all the historic tips from stratebi demo [], under new info icon, - -

Pentaho 12 days of Visualizations, samples working

During holiday season Pentaho was unveiling 12 useful visualizations []that can be downloaded and plugged into the Pentaho platform. We´ve been working for a while with them and we are using some of them in our Champions League Analytics Application [http://www.tablerochampions.

What will be new in Kettle 5.0 – Matt Casters

Interesante la presentación y Webinar de Matt Casters sobre una de nuestras herramientas preferidas/necesarias Enlace Webinar/docs [] What is new in Kettle 5 - WebEx - 20130109.pdf [

Mejorando la visualizacion en Pentaho

En estos últimos días, coincidiendo con las fechas navideñas, hemos visto dos buenas noticias en cuanto a la mejora del potencial gráfico en Pentaho. Tanto la aportada por Pentaho, como por webdetails. Nosotros estamos haciendo pruebas con las nuevsa librerías y próximamente os daremos feedback y ejemplos sobre las mismas

OSBI tips in December

Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, Ctools and Saiku in December.You can follow all the historic tips from stratebi demo [], under new info icon, - - Pentaho Marketplace [http://www.willgorman.