Useful videotutorial about how to create formulas like Year to Date, Last Year,
Percentage, weighted weight,Name set... fromSTPivot []
new GUI Formula Editor.
STpivot is an improvement to jpivot
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Hemos descubierto un error incluido en la distribución
biserver-ce-3.10.0-stable. Existen incompatibilidades entre la aplicación
pentaho en su versión 3.10 y la librería de Jpivot incorporada dentro de la
distribución estable.
El bug consiste en la aparición del mensaje "An error occurred while rendering
Pivot.jsp. Please
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One of the features, we´ve added to old jpivot isFormula Editoryou can find in
new STPivot []:
This feature allow users to add/edit calculated members or named sets, that are
added to the query in the form of “ with… member...”. This entities list, also
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Good news, starting 2012, we have a new version of STPivot
[](Jpivot with steroids). Hope, it would be useful for
many BI Open Source deployments.New functionalities
* Rearranged user interface
* Ajaxified user interactions
* Easier Chart manipulation
* Quick and easy stats
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Some months ago, we released an improved version of Jpivot, that we refered as a
' Jpivot with steroids []'.
Now, we´ve improved again with new exciting features, as you can see on this
post and check in ourdemo online access [
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We release our new Demo Online [], with many new
functionalities. It´s a demo created with several Business Intelligence Open
Source solutions, as Pentaho [], PALO
[], Saiku
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Tutorial Interesante
, para los que no lo conociais.
For better readability please open this article as Google Document here
. 1. Requirements
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Desde Stratebi []y usando software Open Source,
componentes de Pentaho, STPivot, GWT y desarrollos propios, hemos participado en
la creación y lanzamiento de esta prometedora web que ha creado el equipo de
Opinat [], el cual ha sido un
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Hoy os hablamos deicCube [], una solución que creemos
promete bastante. David está realizando un gran trabajo y, aunque aún en sus
primeras versiones ya promete. David Alvarez que lidera el proyecto nos cuenta
que·Estan finalizando la versión 1.2 de su
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