En esta página tenéis una colección de Jupyter/IPython notebooks destacables. No dudéis en añadir
Table of Contents
- Introductory Tutorials
- Programming and Computer Science
- Statistics, Machine Learning and Data Science
- Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology
- Earth Science and Geo-Spatial data
- Linguistics and Text Mining
- Signal Processing
- Engineering Education
- General topics in scientific computing
- Social data
- Psychology and Neuroscience
- Machine Learning, Statistics and Probability
- Physics, Chemistry and Biology
- Economics and Finance
- Earth science and geo-spatial data
- Data visualization and plotting
- Mathematics
- Signal, Sound and Image Processing
- Natural Language Processing
- Pandas for data analysis
- Miscellaneous topics about doing various things with the Notebook itself
- Reproducible academic publications
- Other publications using the Notebook
- Data-driven journalism
- Whimsical notebooks
- Videos of IPython being used in the wild
- Accessing an IBM quantum computer via notebooks
Origen: Jupyter Notebooks