Sharing knowledge with the community (docs, code and tips)
Hope you find it useful!! (Link with detailed information)
- Documento Social Media, Marketing y Business Intelligence (spanish)
- ETL Validations
- Compartiva Pentaho vs Qlikview (spanish)
- Integracion Pentaho y LIferay (spanish)
- STReport , Comparativa herramientas de Reporting Open Source. (english and spanish)
- CTools installer for windows .
- Como crear Cuadros de Mando (spanish)
- OSBI Tips
- Pentaho Audit. Activity Reports
- Comparativa de Algoritmos de Data Mining
- RedOpenBI (spanish)
- Integration Pentaho y Salesforce (spanish)
- Pentaho Launcher
- Edición de Catálogos en Mondrian usando XSD
- Palo Plugin for Kettle
- Video Tutorials BI Open Source
Link with detailed information