The purpose of this document is to provide an overview of the tests and
investigations performed to connect the tools available in Pentaho suite with
SQL Server Analysis Services. Our main goal is to demonstrate the possibility of
using open
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Slides for a talk given by Julian Hyde to the Pentaho Bay Area User Group meetup
in San Francisco on April 3rd, 2014
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Una gran presentación de Julian Hyde [http://julianhyde.blogspot.com.es/], el
creador de Mondrian, que como todo lo que hace merece la pena leer
detenidamente. Julian lleva tiempo trabajando en la mejora de los tiempos de
respuesta, real-time business intelligence para grandes datos, etc...
Optiq is a framework that
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Great!! Reading first chapters of 'Mondrian in Action', bought in http://www.
manning.com/back/ [http://www.manning.com/back/]for mondrian, olap and pentaho
Essential.Soon we´ll made a review
Thanks William D. Back, Nicholas Goodman, and Julian Hyde!!
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One of the features, we´ve added to old jpivot isFormula Editoryou can find in
new STPivot [http://www.stratebi.com/en/stpivot], the new free and open source
olap viewer you can download:
This feature allow users to add/edit calculated members or named sets, that are
added to
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STPivot is an open source web based OLAP viewer, developed by Todo BI –
Stratebi, completely free and open source, based on default Pivot viewer
provided by Pentaho, writen on top of JPivot. The idea behind this project was
to improve JPivot user's experience, by taking advantage of free
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Como os comentamos hace unas semanas, Julian Hyde comentó en el Pentaho
Developers de Amsterdam [https://todobi.com/5-pentaho-developers-en-amsterdam/]acerca
del Libro sobre Mondrian [http://deals.manningpublications.com/mondrian.html]que
se publicará próximamente.
Hoy os damos acceso a uno de los capitulos: Architecture and Star Schema
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Este fin de semana se ha celebrado el 5º Evento de Pentaho Developers en
Amsterdam. La agenda
[http://wiki.pentaho.com/display/COM/Community+Meetup+Amsterdam+2012]tenía muy
buen aspecto, con los todos los lideres de cada proyecto y viejos conocidos
presentes: Matt Casters, Julian Hyde, Thomas Morgner, Pedro
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All the power and ease of use of business intelligence at your fingertips from
mobile devices (iPad, Android...), using technology based on Open Source as
Pentaho, OLAP Mondrian, Saiku, Kettle ETL...
You can see more videos and tutorials from Stratebi [http://www.stratebi.com/]in
Youtube Channel [http://www.youtube.
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