TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Etiqueta: pentaho

Total 400 artículos

Sharing knowledge with the community (docs, code and tips)

[] Hope you find it useful!!(Link withdetailed information) [] - Documento Social Media, Marketing y Business Intelligence (spanish) [] - ETL Validations [] - Compartiva Pentaho vs Qlikview (spanish) [] - Integracion

Bicing Analytics

Ya tenemos disponible la aplicación Open Data con datos del sistema Bicing []!! [] Lo que empezó como un estudio de campo ha acabado siendo un muy buen ejemplo de un portal analítico hecho con herramientas

5º Pentaho Developers en Amsterdam

Este fin de semana se ha celebrado el 5º Evento de Pentaho Developers en Amsterdam. La agenda []tenía muy buen aspecto, con los todos los lideres de cada proyecto y viejos conocidos presentes: Matt Casters, Julian Hyde, Thomas Morgner, Pedro

OSBI tips in Sept12

[] Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly Pentaho, in Septembter.You can follow all the historic tips fromstratebi demo [], under new info icon, - http://wiki.

Champions League Dashboards Application

[] Now available the season 2012/2013 of the Champions League, with all statistics, teams, players, matches .... You also have available statistics from previous seasons Champions League Statistics [] It is based on open source solutions such as Pentaho . And now you can view