The improvements in this version of STDashboard
[]are focused on user interface for panel
and dashboard and also some enhancement in performance and close some old bugs.
It works with Pentaho versions 5, 6 and 7
You can see it in action in this
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We show this great collection of tips, tricks and great stuff on Open Source
Business Intelligence, including the best of 2014 regarding: Pentaho, Open
Source Business Intelligence, Mondrian, Saiku, CTools, Data Cleaner,
Visualization, Open Data, STools and more...
An 'useful handbook' for any Open Source Business Intelligence developer,
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Este fin de semana se ha celebrado el 5º Evento de Pentaho Developers en
Amsterdam. La agenda
[]tenía muy
buen aspecto, con los todos los lideres de cada proyecto y viejos conocidos
presentes: Matt Casters, Julian Hyde, Thomas Morgner, Pedro
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Vamos a realizar nuestro primer curso en Brasil!! Stratebi
[], junto a nuestros asociados de IT4Biz
[], lo realizaremos en Sao Paulo. Será un
Curso que incluye muchos de los temas más novedosos en los que estamos
trabajando. Además de hablar de
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Now available our new Demo on Pentaho [], which
includes many new exciting features such as Saiku OLAP and Reporting, CDE ...
We also include some of the improvements that had asked some of our customers
and we included them as an improvement in
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Now you can check latest tips on Business Intelligence Open Source, mainly
Pentaho, in February.
You can follow all the historic tips fromstratebi demo
[].Info [].
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Ya tenéis disponible el seminario completo que ofrecimos hace unos días sobre
técnicas, tecnologías y consejos para la Creación de Cuadros de Mando
, principalmente con tecnologías Open Source.
El seminario tiene algo más de
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Este proxímo jueves día 2 de Febrero, a las 16:00h, BI-Spain
[]organiza un webinar sobre' Como Diseñar y Crear
Cuadros de Mando []', en el que
se contará como plantear los Cuadros de Mando, pensando en el usuario
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Freedom to analyze my data.Freedom to create my own dashboards.Freedom and
independence and immediacy of the results for the end user.
When we talk to a potential user, the same question arises: What if I want a new
dashboard, however simple, I have to call you?
After the
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