TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI TodoBI - Business Intelligence, Big Data, ML y AI

Etiqueta: olap

Total 54 artículos

Extreme OLAP tutorial con Apache Kylin - Kyligence

[] [] Quieres aprender todo sobre Apache Kylin []y Kyligence []? No te pierdas estos videotutoriales. Saber más sobre Kylin [](en español) Enable Interactive Big Data Analytics of Power BI [https:

Available new Open Source OLAP viewer, STPivot4

STPivot4 []is based on the old Pivot4J project where functionality has been added, improved and extended. These technical features are mentioned below. Update: STPivot4 now is working with Pentaho 7. Run to download!! GitHub STPivot4 [] For additional information, you may

OLAP for Big Data. It´s possible?

Hadoop is a great platform for storing a lot of data, but running OLAP is usually done on smaller datasets in legacy and traditional proprietary platforms.   OLAP workloads are beginning to migrate to the one data lake that is running Hadoop and Spark. Fortunately, there are a number of Apache